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    NOTE: The Leipzig Declaration was made by 100 of the world's leading climatologists. These are the scientists who are on the front lines of research into global warming and global climate change. There are less than 200 of these true climatologists in the world who are emminently qualified to elvaluate the reality of the global warming issue. Most of the scientists that are quoted by the media as saying global warming is a reality actually have degrees in other fields--they are not climatologists!

    The Leipzig Declaration on Global Climate Change

    As scientists, we-along with our fellow citizens-are intensely interested in the possibility that human activities may affect the global climate; indeed, land clearing and urban growth have been changing local climates for centuries. Historically, climate has always been a factor in human affairs - with warmer periods, such as the medieval "climate optimum", playing an important role in economic expansion and in the welfare of nations that depend primarily on agriculture. For these reasons we must always remain sensitive to activities that could affect future climate.

    Attention has recently been focused on the increasing emission of "greenhouse" gases into the atmosphere. International discussion by political leaders are currently underway that could constrain energy use and mandate reductions in carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Although we understand the motivation to eliminate what are perceived to be the driving forces behind a potential climate change, we believe this approach may be dangerously simplistic. Based on the evidence available to us, we cannot subscribe to the so-called "scientific consensus" that envisages climate catastrophes and advocates hasty actions.

    As the debate unfolds, it has become increasingly clear that - contrary to conventional wisdom - there does not exist today a general scientific consensus about the importance of greenhouse warming from rising levels of carbon dioxide. On the contrary, most scientists now accept the fact that actual observations from earth satellites show no climate warming whatsoever. And to match this fact, the mathematical climate models are becoming more realistic and are forecasting temperature increases that are only 30 percent of what was considered the "best" value just four years ago.

    We consider the Global Climate Treaty concluded in Rio de Janerio ate the 1992 "Earth Summit" to be unrealistic; its goal is stabilization of atmospheric greenhouse gases, which requires that fuel use be cut by 60 -80 percent worldwide! Energy is essential for all economic growth, and fossil fuels provide today's principal global energy source. In a world in which poverty is the greatest social pollutant, any restriction on energy use that inhibits economic growth should be viewed with caution. For this reason, we consider "carbon taxes" and other drastic control policies - lacking credible support from the underlying science - to be ill-advised, premature, wrought with economic danger, and likely to be counterproductive.

    This statement is based on the International Symposium on the Greenhouse Controversy, held in Leipzig, Germany on November 9 - 10, 1995, under the sponsorship of the Prime Minister of the State of Saxony. For further information, contact the Europaeische Akademie fuer Umweltragen (fax +49 - 7071-72939) or The Science and Environmental Policy Project in Fairfax, Virginia

    Leipzig Declaration Signatories

    Abrams, Elliot Penn. State Univ.;
    Franzle, Otto Univ Kiel, Germany
    Apel, John John Hopkins University;
    Gaynor, John E. Envir. Tech Lab. Boulder, CO
    Aubrey, David, Woods Hole Ocean. Inst.;
    Gerholm, Tor Ragnar Univ. of Stocklolm
    Badura, Leslaw Univ. Kattowitz, Poland;
    Gleeson, Thomas A. aeronomist, Florida State Univ;
    Balling, Robert Arizona State Univ;
    Gold, Thomas Cornell Univ;
    Barrett, Jack Kingston-upon -Thames, U.K.;
    Goodell, H. G. Univ. of Virginia
    Bauer, Ernst-Waldemar Esslingen, Germany
    Goodridge, James D. climatologist, Mendocino, CA
    Berg, Hermann Sachsisch Akad, Jena, Germany
    Groeber, Richard F. Dick's Weather Service, Springfield, OH;
    Berning, Warren New Mexico State Univ.;
    Guttman, Nathaniel B. Nat'l Climactic Data Center, Asheville NC;
    Boe, Bruce A. Atm. Resource Brd. ND
    Hales, J. Vern meteor., Las Vegas NV
    Bourne, Arthur Univ. of London
    Hayden, Howard D. Univ. of Conn.;
    Brace, Larry Goddard Space Flight Center, MD;
    Heyke, H.H. Lichtenwalde, Germany
    Bye, Matthew meteorologist, San Francisco;
    Higatsberger, Michael J. Univ. of Vienna;
    Cain, Joseph Florida State Univ;
    Hogan, A. W. Jour. Of Aerosols, Atm. Chem.;
    Clube, S.V. M. Univ. of Oxford
    Hubbard, William Univ. of Arizona
    Courtney, Richard Epsom, UK;
    Kloke, Adolf Univ. of Berlin
    Csanady, G.T. Old Dominion Univ.;
    Kohler, Max A. meteor. Silver Spring, MD
    Cunningham, Robert M.; meteor., Lincoln, Mass.
    Kolstad, George A. geophys., Laytonsville, MD.;
    Decker, Fred meteor., Corvalis, OR
    Korber, Erich Univ. Tubingen, Germany
    Del Re, Giuseppe Rome;
    Kovach, Robert L. Stanford Univ.;
    Dietze, Peter Nurnberg, Germany;
    Leep, Roy meteor, Tampa, FL
    Dyer, Rosemary Phillips Lab.;
    Legates, David R. Univ. of Oklahoma;
    Ellsaesser, Hugh Livermore Nat'l Lab.;
    Frank, Neil fmr dir. -Hurricane Center;